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2018 Voter Registration and Midterm Elections


Voter Registration / Ballot Request – Online
Voter Registration / Ballot Request – Personal
Promotional material
Polls and Predictions

It's time to Get Out The Vote (GOTV) again! This time for the Midterm Elections on November 6th.

Voter registration team members from American Voices Abroad (AVA) and Democrats Abroad - Berlin (DA) are gearing up to Get Out The Vote again and personally register American expats in Berlin for the federal midterm elections. As most Americans in Berlin tend to be registered already, the primary message now is “Request your absentee ballot!

Voter Registration / Ballot Request - Online

Voters can fill out an online-assisted registration and application for an absentee ballot at one of these three websites:

Overseas Vote Foundation
is a non-partisan site. Good and easy database for finding and contacting your registration office. There is a Candidate Finder tool to help identify Congressional candidates for example.

is from the Democratic Party. A tool to help identify Congressional candidates can be found here as well. Application for membership is an option.

Information is also available directly from the U.S. government's Federal Voting Assistance Program. The official Federal Post Card Application can be downloaded there directly.

In all cases, the application needs to be printed out, signed, and mailed to hometown election offices. The possibility to correspond by e-mail is becomming more common. That is, the registration/application can be scanned in once it's been signed and sent to the election office by e-mail as an attachment. The ballot itself can optionally be sent via e-mail to be printed out. This finally can be scanned in again and sent back along with a signed voter declaration.

Voter Registration / Ballot Request - Personal

Voter registration team members can personally help with registration or ballot requests at registration tables at various events around Berlin. I am organizing, participating in, or know about the following past and planned events:

11-13 May – 33rd Black International Cinema Berlin
9 June – Summerfest at the Berlin Brandenburg International School
in Kleinmachnow
10 June – Potsdam Precinct of Democrats Abroad Berlin meeting in Lorettas Almhütte in Wannsee
23 June, 12:00 to 16:00 – Summerfest at the Berlin Bilingual School
27 June, 18:30 to 20:00 – Democrats Abroad Berlin was asked by David Byrne to set up a voter registration table at his American Utopia concert in the Tempodrom.
30 June, 13:00 to 17:00 – International Day at the Berlin International School
4 July, 18:30 to 21:30 – Democrats Abroad Berlin is hosting a 4th of July-Party with an Independence Day Potluck.
21-22 July – DA Berlin will have a booth at the Lesbian and Gay City Festival near Nollendorf Platz
5 September, 19:00 to 21:00 – Info-Fair at John F Kennedy School in Zehlendorf
12 September, 18:30 to 21:00 – Democrats Abroad Berlin: Get Your Absentee Ballot & Beer at Stone Brewing Taproom
15 September, 11:00 to 17:00 – John F Kennedy School
22 September, 12:00 to 17:00 – Democrats Abroad Berlin: Voter Registration&Ballot Request for US Expats at the Workshop at Forster Straße 51
17 October, evening – American Voices Abroad: Documentary Film Festival. AVA’s participation in the One World Berlin Human Rights Film Festival focused on the 6-part documentary series Rest in Power: the Trayvon Martin Story. In the aquarium at Südblock, Skalitzer Str. 6

Voter registration and consultation is also possible occasionally at the monthly meetings of
American Voices Abroad (AVA) and Democrats Abroad - Berlin (DA).

More locations planned and suggestions are always welcome!

Promotional material

We try to get Americans interested in voting abroad by distributing flyers in American restaurants, stores, and other institutions. Will send them also by e-mail again to the foreign-student offices of universities where Americans might be enrolled.

Downloadable flyers with some of the above information in various formats and promoting the different websites:

Polls and Predictions

Click for is always a pretty accurate source to follow the tendencies.
RealClearPolitics is pretty good too.

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